Christine | Indigo Lavender Farm Photo Session

Sweet summertime. I love going to the lavender farm each year! I’ve photographed there ever since they first started up their fields. There are so many things there that just fill my cup. First off….the SMELL! It is absolutely heavenly wandering through those fields. Secondly the bumble bee. I know this may scare off a few people, and its not the place for someone that is allergic, but seeing all those bumble bees happily floating from flower to flower is so peaceful. And third….I have gotten so lucky every single time with the most gorgeous light. When it filters through those trees and creates that goldly halo across your silhouette….chef’s kiss. Check out these two girls wearing crowns of flowers while dancing in the fields. Are you are ready to schedule a session there yet? There is a fee to enjoy the fields (totally worth it!). Check out the pricing and availability here: Indigo Lavender Farm. Then send over a message so we can get you in the books for your own magical lavender field photo session.